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US 29 Church Street Bridge Rehab Project

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FHWA Home Page

The public information meeting and comment period are closed.

You may view the materials here.

Bridge pedestrian access
Cross section rendering of the bridge
Rendering of completed bridge rehab

Purpose and Need

The purpose of this project is to rehabilitate the aging Church Street (US 29) Bridge in downtown Greenville. The project is needed to address the deteriorating bridge deck, update the storm drainage system on the bridge, and improve the overall condition of the structure.

Project Funding

The proposed project is a bridge maintenance project, funded through the South Carolina Department of Transportation.

Project Description

The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) proposes to rehabilitate the US 29 (Church Street) Bridge over East Broad Street (L-6073) in Greenville, South Carolina. Constructed in 1959, the bridge is located within the City of Greenville limits and is one of the City’s most prominent landmarks. Categorized as a major urban arterial roadway, the bridge has four travel lanes, two in each direction, with a concrete median. Five-foot-wide pedestrian facilities are provided on each side of the bridge. The project study area will extend approximately 0.32 mile from Washington Street to the north to East Camperdown Way to the south.

Photo of Church Street bridge

Proposed Improvements

The rehabilitation will include steel girder painting, joint sealing, spall repair, barrier/sidewalk replacement and bridge deck rehabilitation with hydrodemolition with concrete overlay to improve the poor condition of the deck concrete. Lighting on the bridge is also outdated and nonfunctional and requires replacement. Proposed enhancements to the bridge will include:

  • West sidewalk is being increased to 9 foot wide
  • New overhead and pedestal lighting
  • Modifications to the existing railings for pedestrian safety
  • Replacement of stair system to McBee Street
  • Addition of aesthetic features
Anticipated Schedule
Preliminary Engineering: Underway
Public Outreach: Ongoing
Right of Way Phase Begins: Summer 2023
Construction Begins: Beginning of 2025

Church Street existing sidewalk - South view

Church Street - North aerial view

East McBee Avenue stair access